Friday, 15 August 2014

Comedy Cat - Do You See What I See, Jesus?

Leah Saulnier
The Painting Maniac

Do You See What I See, Jesus?

A few minutes ago I was looking at our salt water fish tank and saw this in the rock, very strange. Is it Jesus? Can I make a million selling my whole fish tank with the rock on Ebay? lol


Geordie Gardiner

And BTW here is some real Jesus Rock - Enjoy


Suzanne Powers

I believe these kinds of "happenings" are for reassurance/comfort I saw him in a cloud formation once.

Geordie Gardiner

@ Suzanne Powers


Elvis also claimed to have seen Jesus in a cloud formation


Geordie Gardiner

The best I ever saw was a bunny rabbit

Among the clouds

On way up high


All fluffy and white

Captured in a French film titled Amelie

If you have never seen it then a beautiful experience awaits


Suzanne Powers


Thank you for the beautiful song. It's OK, I didn't see mine until after 20 years and going through a hard place.


The important thing is you saw it and know what it is regardless of what others may think although some may see it too. I see it and know it is possible. The neat thing about yours is it's permanent!


Geordie Gardiner

@ Suzanne Poweers


Hello Suzanne I also know it is possible, I have seen "it" on numerous occasions.

When I ask, what is it?

The question is not addresses to you Suzanne but should you be inspired to give an answer please feel free.

To get back to the question, what is it?

IT is something that many psychiatrist do not believe in, though they do believe in their own superior intellect.

As they do not believe in "IT" (as many obsessed with their mother) and having a high regard for their own intellectual capacity, they believe their beliefs cannot be questioned, they "put up" with "IT" believers, until one comes along and dares to stand up and tell the truth.

What truth?

The truth of an it believer

What "IT" believer?

That IT believer who claims to have stood by IT and spoken to IT.

There is no such thing as IT, so therefore they are delusional, LOCK THE BAR STEWARD UP - and don't let them out till they see it our way.


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