Anti-Christian Rhetoric
People who do not believe believe they know how to believe
The collective brain
Like a sponge in the rain
All that should flow down the drain
Then repeated
Again and again
Till it's stuck in their brain
And so they can get to repeat
The thoughts of the collective brain
That they are seeking
Weather good or bad
Whether happy or sad
Sane or mad
They are all glad
That there is a hymn book
That fits
The fashion of the week
That they can all sing from
"I am a pacifist"
Who would go out and kill?
Just for the thrill
Of a revolution
But you
You should not kill
And blood should not spill
If someone attacks you
"Jesus would not kill a fly"
But they bat an eye
In case anyone should spy
A herd of pigs
Who ran into the sea
For other than to wash there
So it goes on and on
And on and on
Spouted from wannabe strewths
From the hightest roofs
Because they know
What you should know
That they are atheists