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Geordie Gardiner
I suggest a new name for individuals here - they should be known as either:
The Saturday Matinee Gun Totting Cowboys
Or alternatively
The Borderline Arse Bandits
Get some badges made
And Wanted type posters with burnt edges - see if Bob can do that without making a hash of it
Get Mario A Star badge
All the outlaws to get new avatars - showing their badges or on wanted posters
Another possible name
The Bare Arsed Bandits

Geordie Gardiner
If ye going to do it then do it right, ye set of cowboys
First rule - to include the words - I promise to uphold
Who is up for it - who wants to design the group poster?
Make it a competition with a plate of beans for the winner
Rule No. 6 - I promise to shoot critters and furry things?
There Is Money To Be Made In Them There Hills
And If You Cannot See It Ye Must Have The Brains Of A Mountain Daisy
Rule No, 2 - Get Me A Whisky
There Again Rule No. 2 should really be Rule No. 1
Got To Steady Yourself Before Ye Go Round UpHolding
Well That's It
Rule No. I
Got To Steady Yourself Before Ye Go Round UpHolding - Get Me A Whisky
Get On The Blower To Jack Danial's And See If He Is In With Us
Apparently they do have photographs of themselves baring their backsides.
M among others told me.
And not in a PM
And so like everything else, it was not private.
Here is a gem:
Guns and swords do not kill
It's people who kill
There was a discussion on the subject of Religion
Me and Mario tried our best to get suck into them
Like the Alamo, so to speak, In reverse
Loads of cowboys and a few from down Mexico way
Overwhelmed to such a degree that in between answering their questions they stood around playing with their guns
Now they are happy
There is a discussion just on guns
I just pray that they get visited by a horde of people with a lot of spare Hare Krishna photographs that they would like to share with the world.
Now that would be fun

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